All About Women
Livestreamed direct from the Sydney Opera House
Hosted by Sarah Reuben
To celebrate 2022 International Women's Day, Brown's Mart is presenting a day of talks and panel discussions live streamed direct from the Sydney Opera House, hosted by Sarah Reuben in the Brown's Mart Studio.
All About Women (AAW) invites audiences to gather and reflect on burning questions about gender, equality, and justice.
Buy a $20 pass on the day to attend the full program or pop in for your pick of topics.
10:00am -11:30am First Nations Women look to the Future
12:00pm -1:00pm Protecting the Outspoken
2:30pm - 3:30pm Beyond the Binary
5:00pm - 6:00pm Facing Up
6:00pm -7:15pm Queerstories

Brown's Mart Arts Ltd
(T/as Brown’s Mart)
ABN: 67 141 763 895
12 Smith Street Darwin City
GPO Box 3451, Darwin NT 0801
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