Portrait photograph of someone with their hands raised to the sky, they are looking up and there is confetti that they have just thrown scattered around them in the air. They are facing to the right side. There is a triangle missing from the bottom of the photo.

For Artists

Brown’s Mart is committed to providing a supportive home for artists and our broader community, through sharing our resources, providing advice, auspicing grants, mentorship, and working closely with artists to identify professional development strategies and opportunities.

We promote and advocate for Territory artists – locally, throughout the NT, nationally and internationally, and work with them to offer greater access and deeper engagement wherever we can.

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9-5, Mon-Fri

12 Smith St, Darwin
(08) 8981 5522

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Brown's Mart Arts Ltd

(T/as Brown’s Mart)
ABN: 67 141 763 895


12 Smith Street Darwin City
GPO Box 3451, Darwin NT 0801


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